Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nathan's school pictures PreSchool 3's

There are 4 shots I get to choose from
The 80's spikey hair is due to the meltdown at the parlor...


Unknown said...

What a stinking cutie pie! He is really the boy version of his sister. He's getting so big. kisses from auntie poe

Conder, Gina, Anna & Nathan Bahen said...

Thanks and good thing he is so cute cause man there are days!!!
And I am sure you know what I am talking about - you have 2 stinkers oh I mean stinkin cutie pies also - te he he

Much love

jbahen said...

So Gina....he was cute in October, November, December, Jannuary, but we need some new pictures...get on it lady!(Please!)
The gal running our community talent show is a little Italian fireball, she cracks me up, reminds me a little of Gina Wena! Hope all is well!