Thursday, August 14, 2008


The Ringling Bros & Barnum Bailey Circus was here in San Diego and after my neighbor decided to go we decided to go with them. I do have fond memories of going to the circus only 2x's in my life and even though my heart goes out to the animals I still felt compelled to go.
We had a great time and I am glad we went.
By far the Elephants are AMAZING, nothing else compares to them for me!
Then the TIGERS, which were hungry even during the show.
It really is the greatest show on EARTH!
Pictures do not do the show justice.
Anna & Nathan loved it
We got to see the animals outdoors before the show, and we got to see performers up close before the show started.
I am glad I decided to take them, unfortunately Conder had to work but it was still a great time.


jbahen said...

Your such an animal nut, and protector of all!! I love the circus too it's been awhile though. I put up some funny prego photo's up it's good for a laugh.Love Ya, Amy

jbahen said...

The bouncing baby boys name is going to be Bridger Shaw. He is the bridge between our family and I always liked the name there ya have it. My due date is Oct. 25. My new doctor says that if I go into labor with no signs of complications that I can deliver naturally, but my hopes are not set on it. By naturally I mean with as many drugs as possible, but no c-section, I'm no fool!!!

Unknown said...

I love teh circus. I feel for the animals too though. We went to two circus performances in Russia. They were amazing. Amy, I didn't know the name was Bridger Shaw. Good name. I will pray for a natural never know. It could happen twice. It just depends on the big Bahen head.

Conder, Gina, Anna & Nathan Bahen said...

The Noggin is quite large for Little Man Nate as well - we have had to up his shirt sizes for that reason alone...
I miss you all!!!